The GDI are good in the air, for instance, with pesky soldiers that fly over on jetpacks and harass your ground-locked units. You can play either the NOD or the GDI, and they both have their own custom units and characteristics. And before you know it, you're pitched into a lengthy and interesting campaign game. Full motion video clips using big-name actors like Michael Biehn and James Earl Jones explain the details as you go along. The story once again pitches good guys the Global Defence Initiative against the global terrorist group the Brotherhood of NOD, whose use of the deadly Tiberium substance is beginning to lay waste to whole areas of the world. It was first released back in 1999 and so looks basic when compared to the latest releases, but Tiberian Sun is still packed with playability, a perfect way to spend a few spare hours.

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun is an exciting real-time strategy game, and a sequel to the first Command & Conquer story.