The game is Currently out on PC, Mac, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Linux and will be available Playstation and Moblie soon. The game is available on Steam for 20 USD and the Alphas can be downloaded for free on their site. The looks of the units and behavior can best be described as derpy and the battles are chaotic and hilarious. In these battles, each unit is programmed with its own unique weapons, behaviors and mechanics. Upon the start of the battle, each unit will launch their own attacks. Once the player has created their army with the somewhat misinterpreted historical units (Or not historical at all), then they can start their battle against the enemy force. The player places units down on the battlefield, which is currently a floating island showing your units, terrain, and enemy formations.

Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (TABS for short) is a PC game currently in Full Version by Landfall Games. Later on (After the full release): Playstation and Moblie. The game was developed and published by the authors of the first part - Brilliant Game Studios. Currently: PC, Xbox, Mac, Switch and Linux Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 is a sequel to the interesting game from 2017, which allows players to fight really huge battles in a variety of fantastic realities.