Price difference of Louis Vuitton in Paris vs USA More information on the Euro exchange rates The third main reason is over the last 3 years the Euro currency has dropped in value, making your local currency stronger than before.

By Louis Vuitton being headquartered in Paris, it makes it the price substantially cheaper. The best rule of thumb to follow is any brand that is headquartered in Paris (or Europe) is going to be cheaper in Paris (or Europe). By being headquartered in Paris, Louis Vuitton doesn't have to pay taxes such as import tax, transportation tax, state or country tax which is built into the price in other countries.

The second main reason Louis Vuitton is cheaper in Paris is because it is headquartered in Paris. If you spend more than 100.01 Euros at Louis Vuitton you qualify for the VAT Tax refund in Paris, which is a saving of an additional 12% which is applied to your credit card 30–90 days after leaving the EU. There are 3 main reasons that Louis Vuitton is cheaper in Paris, the first reason is the VAT Tax Refund that is available in EU countries including Paris, France.